When I say “our worst enemy is us” it’s because we are no longer the “United States of America”. We have become a group of separate factions, each with its’ own issues, ideas, and agendas. We are divided worst by politics, which encompasses almost everything. Our two major parties, while both are supposedly for the greater good of our nation and its’ people, seem to believe that going as fast as they can in opposite directions will, somehow bring them to the same place.

If we all, as Americans, want the same thing then how are we allowing ourselves to be divided by so many things? A modern nation is very complex and encompasses a huge number and variety of issues. Not all issues are black and white, proven by science , or universally accepted. But I believe all problems can be and many have been solved by the combined efforts of intelligent, reasonable people led by the right person. As Americans we choose that leader by democratic elections. We try to choose the best possible person to lead us and ( theoretically at least ) follow and support that leader toward our planned goal.

The problem comes when we fail to choose the best candidate and refuse to to help achieve the goal. From very tiny to enormous differences of opinion can kill the effort and we ALL lose. I don’t know how to circumvent or overcome this problem, so if you do, please let me in on the secret.

Two Parties is NO Party

We have two major political parties in America, Democrat and Republican. Each has a large number of members with a wide variety of characteristics, beliefs, and opinions. Democrats are generally liberal (some prefer progressive) and Republicans are generally conservative. Many in the conservative group are more reluctant to spend tax dollars on things they believe are not worthy. It is also generally believed conservative and Christian is pretty much the same.

I am Christian, very conservative, patriotic, and I generally vote for Republican candidates which puts me in the company of others of like values and opinions. What I don’t understand is how Dems can be so unified and go forward boldly toward their goal , even when their goal will obviously ( to any thinking and informed person ) lead to the destruction of our nation, our culture, and our morals.

Why can’t Republicans be unified in our efforts to oppose all of these destructive issues? I would ask you to consider the historic SELF destruction of the Roman Empire. I see distinct similarities but it would require a long paper or a short book to cover the details sufficiently to be clear and understandable since it was very complex and came about slowly.


A group of wealthy men badgered a land owner into selling them some land in a rural neighborhood on which they set up a firing range, ostensibly for training and qualifying law enforcement personnel and target shooting. With the operators allowing members from a large surrounding area to use the range 24/7 there is now the sound of a war zone filling the air 24/7.

I’m a military veteran who supports and greatly appreciates law enforcement and understands the need for qualifying and practice, and I enjoy target shooting myself. I live within the area of the noise created by the range users, and I would not personally want to bother the area residents with the sound of gunfire for the pleasure of shooting, especially at night.

Unfortunately the men who set up the range and their friends and lawyers don’t live near the range and it’s noise and do not seem bothered in the least that those who do live there are very much bothered by the noise or the possibility of a stray bullet finding its’s way to a person or animal. There are animals in the area and children who need their sleep as well as , I understand , a veteran with PTSD who has to wear noise cancelling headphones to avoid having panic attacks. Doesn’t seem right to me!


When the United States became The United States of America, we were guided by solid ,intelligent, mostly Christian men. They established the country’s guidelines in the form of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. These guidelines and the individual state constitutions seemed to have us on a “straight and narrow path”. A few issues like slavery created ruts and potholes in the path. These issues were repaired throughout our history, putting us back on the right path.

What I want to know is exactly when and where we veered off the straight path into the ruts and potholes and rocks and boulders! When your car starts pulling to the left you can take it to the garage and get the alignment corrected. So where is the alignment shop for the nation? What kind of training or certification would qualify a nation mechanic to get us running straight again in the right direction? What specialized tools and equipment and what kind of parts would be needed to repair the damage?

And of course I want to know how much it will cost and how long it will take. Also can the repair be guaranteed to work so I’m confident the wheels wont fall off or that it won’t run back into the ditch?

Elected officials are our mechanics, chosen by us to keep us running smoothly and straight. We choose them as best we can according to their credentials and reputation and trust that they can and will fix the problem. We pay for the repairs with our tax dollars, and NO the work is NOT guaranteed!

So once more I ask , To whom do we turn other than God? And since God allows us to choose our leaders, What guidance can we lean on but God’s Word? In the Bible He would appoint a judge to direct His chosen people to turn back to Him for guidance and direction. When they turned back and asked for forgiveness He would show His great mercy and not allow them to be completely destroyed. I think it’s time, do you?


Why is OUR government leadership destroying our country? It is obviously happening, clearly seen by anyone with an IQ above 2 and eyes to see the destruction. HOW it is being done is not quite as obvious. One way is pushing to shift away from fossil fuels before there is anything feasible to shift to. Another is the government endorsing or even pushing immorality. Consider former nations who fell from within for such reasons, including Rome and even farther back, Sodom and Gomorrah which God turned into ashes for their immoral acts. When I speak of immorality I’m talking about abortion, homosexuality, and trying to change gender from what God gave you to what you think you want, We are also allowing our population to be killed off by drugs ( assisted by other countries), alcohol, and tobacco. There is also the level of crime and violence which is horrible and is also related to immorality!

If we are not all deaf, blind, and stupid, or individually suicidal, then I ask you, WHY are we casually shuffling blindly , like sheep, to the slaughter?!! At this point in time I can only hope Gods’ mercy will save us because we ( at least the majority of us ) are not doing anything to change our path to self destruction.


SOUND FAMILIAR? It should as it is a much used phrase, and has been for probably thousands of years. There has been conflict, war if you will, for as long as there has been two or more groups of people with differing opinions of ownership or right and wrong.

Sometimes conflict develops, sometimes it is spontaneous. Sometimes it dissolves quickly but sometimes it becomes full blown and includes numerous countries and unbelievable atrocities. Japan pulled off a surprise attack on America, sinking ships, destroying planes, and killing thousands of people, both military and civilian. The conflict finally ended when THE BOMB was dropped on Japan killing thousands including many civilians , but ending the gradual killing of many more thousands on both sides in a prolonged conflict. Was this right or wrong?

Recently, Israel was shocked by a surprise and unprovoked attack on innocent civilians who were slaughtered in inhumane fashion and kidnapped to be used as bargaining chips later. So now we see , not only American citizens, but even some of our elected officials, supporting the terrorists. This is HARD for me to believe! I can only suggest that all who truly believe in the cause and want to support it should go to where they are and join them in killing babies, raping women, and beheading anyone who does not believe as they do.

To end such a conflict one side or the other must be eradicated or defeated completely. I ask you , with which side do you most closely identify? Please consider this thoughtfully!!


It’s one of the most commonly uttered phrases being used lately. Most often heard on news and talk shows on TV and radio, usually by the person being interviewed or questioned. This is fine but I have a problem with the difficulty getting a GREAT (or factual) answer. And how do you know if the answer proffered is honest or factual? You don’t unless you are already well informed on the subject and therefore don’t need to ask the “great question”. Depending on who you ask you can get two completely opposite answers, or often just the opinion of the questioned person.

What I need is a set of facts in order to form MY opinion. I’m not brilliant , but given actual, factual information, I can formulate a proper and accurate opinion. There is no shortage of opinions or even information but what filter can I use to winnow it down to just the facts? If anyone has the answer to that “great question” please fill me in!!


Now abortion is a major political issue again as we enter another election season. While it is actually a moral issue it is playing a major role in elections. First , what is abortion? Boiled down it is the killing of a baby before it gets to take a breath of air. So who wants to kill these babies? I think it is primarily three groups of people. The abortionists who get rich by killing the preborn, or just born , if they can get away with it. Next is the men who helped to create a pregnancy( baby) they do not want to pay for or care for. Finally we have the mothers of these unwanted babies who did not avoid an unwanted pregnancy by any number of simple , easy, and generally inexpensive methods. They find it easy and convenient to just kill the unwanted baby. I’m personally appalled and disgusted with the process and the three groups involved!!! If I have offended anyone, GOOD, it is as intentional as killing an innocent baby has been since it was first allowed.


I saw on the news, clips of some of the things the Muslim extremists in Palestine are showing their young children to teach them to hate Israelis and wish them harm or death. They believe they are right and everyone else is wrong and are taught , almost from birth that anyone who does not believe as they do, should not be allowed to exist. In America we have extremists also, including in our school systems who are indoctrinating our children (almost from birth) to believe homosexuality, transgenderism, racial oppression, etc. are legitimate things to believe in and support.

Yes, one is teaching hatred and death while the other is teaching lies and immorality. Well yes, they are somewhat different, but both lead to sinful acts, death, and Hell. I just can’t personally understand how supposedly intelligent beings, like humans, can believe either are good or right in any way.


For those who want to support the Palestinians and others who believe as they do, I would like to invite them to go to Palestine and join their forces. They could get a free weapon and a ride in or on something that would bring them right to the front lines to face off with the patriotic people of Israel.

Just remember the little red faced shepherd boy who God gave victory over Goliath, the Philistine hero, a giant warrior who was disrespecting God by disrespecting and attacking His chosen people. So I suggest that if you want to protest and speak ill of Israel and cause trouble in America who is an ally , you should be willing to fight alongside of the Palestinians .

If you don’t love and appreciate America, please feel free to leave and try to find something better and when you find it, please let me know where it is!