When you face serious issues or decisions do you look for advice from the wizened, experienced, older person, hopefully expert on the subject? Or do you look for youth with education, intellect, and “fresh ideas”?

I think some situations call for one, some for the other and often perhaps one tempered by the other. I am not, admittedly, expert in many serious, exceptionally important areas. In these I want help and advice. I’m not opposed to youth who obviously have limited experience,but may well have  expertise in the area of concern. On the other hand, one with years of experience may or may not be able to give valuable advice according to what that experience has taught them.

I have to determine whose advice is valuable! How do I decide? All I can do is to fall back upon my common sense and reasoning ability, guided by my morals and ethics. There is but one source of moral and ethical guidance which is Gods’ Word.

Unrelated but current afterthought: Does Dr. Christine B. Ford, in professor mode, teach with the same scared little girl voice she used to testify in the supreme court justice hearings?





Divided Nation

I  could not  be considered a knowledgeable historian and in fact did poorly in US history in school. Once I realized the wisdom however, in knowing where you came from and how you got to where you are presently, I started taking history more seriously.

I know that in our past there have been many, sometimes serious divisions among the citizens of this great nation. From debates among our founding fathers, which did not prevent them from writing a Constitution and Bill of Rights unlike anything before or since, to the issue of slavery, we have dealt with division. But I believe we have never had such serious division over so many different issues. It seems we are STILL divided over race, immigration, medical care, regulations, POLITICS, and a litany of other less significant things.

I do not claim to have viable solutions to these problems and having seen great and powerful nations throughout history self destruct, I admit to being fearful about our future. All I can think to say is, God help us!