” Brother against brother”

The Civil War was a horrible conflict waged by American citizens over issues, including slavery, in which those on both sides were convinced that they were right. This, at times, even came down to members of a family choosing opposite sides so that in some cases they might be wearing different uniforms and shooting at one another. Today’s conflict is as seriously dividing us but instead of bullets we are firing tweets, texts, and media statements. It is no less a fight for the very survival of our nation. Instead of North vs South it is conservative vs liberal, capitalism vs socialism, realism vs an unrealistic dream. I choose the former which history has proven to be successful as opposed to socialism or communism which has always failed.

The two sides in this conflict are not equally armed. The socialists are armed with the media, the education system, which has indoctrinated at least three generations into liberalism, and an illusion of a perfect society. Conservatives have only facts (which the media will not proffer) and historical proof that conservatism and capitalism leads to success. Conservatives count on reality while socialists count on an illusion that they want to be reality.


Why do many of our citizens feel the need to placate small, some minute, minority groups by elevating members of their groups to positions of great authority? We do not need to elect as president, a black, female, Christian, Muslim, Asian, old, young, white, atheist, homosexual, etc. person. What we need is the PERSON who is best qualified to lead the greatest country ever.

This nation was established by a group of men who were intelligent, moral, overall Christian, and I believe inspired by God to create amazing documents to guide the nation.These were the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and later the Bill of Rights. Both the aforementioned documents and the nation guided by them have endured longer and been respected more than ANY previously. The French thinker,Alexis de Tocqueville, in the eighteen hundreds, said that America is great because it is good. I believe he meant that we were moral, giving, and generally positive people. Can this still be said of us? There are things that happen that bring this to the surface but is it still generally true?

looks bad for u.s.

Our children and youth (including many up to forty years old) are indoctrinated into liberalism and the media is firmly in the grip of liberalism and socialism. Who is leading the liberal movement? Is it the Hollywood crowd or the Democratic leadership? Both are living in a world of illusion and/or delusion! Both common sense and reality have been displaced and morality has been summarily discarded.

We now have elected officials in our government who are black-female-homosexual, followers of Islam whose beliefs are very far from the beliefs of our Founding Fathers, and a young white male (who is running for president) who claims to be a Christian while openly gay and is pro abortion. If he were actually a Christian, he would know that the Holy Bible (the book Christianity is based upon) calls homosexuality an abomination. He would also know that God created mankind and considers human life to be sacred. And if he is as intelligent as he seems to be, he would know that life begins at conception. Once an egg is fertilized, if it is not aborted by natural cause (miscarriage) or unnatural cause (someone killing it) it will eventually be an adult of the species, scientifically indisputable.

I am personally, GRAVELY concerned about the direction our country is headed and the distinct possibility of its’ end if the direction is not changed. I’m sure the Founding Fathers could no more imagine the current state of our country than they could imagine the current technology we see as commonplace.


Liberalism, revised history, and political correctness have been programmed into AT LEAST two generations of our children and youth through our education system. And strongly reinforced by the media, including social media. Those with any moral compass or conservative values are quickly becoming, if not already outnumbered.

All this change has taken place virtually unopposed, if not in fact unnoticed, slowly over a number of years. Changes made slowly can seldom be reversed quickly. I fear that even if the problem is recognized and a concerted effort is made to turn the ship around, it may be too little, too late. Self destruction is well underway and may be completed before it can be stopped.

I believe our Founding Fathers would be both shocked and horrified to see the condition and direction of our government and our nation!