Two Parties is NO Party

We have two major political parties in America, Democrat and Republican. Each has a large number of members with a wide variety of characteristics, beliefs, and opinions. Democrats are generally liberal (some prefer progressive) and Republicans are generally conservative. Many in the conservative group are more reluctant to spend tax dollars on things they believe are not worthy. It is also generally believed conservative and Christian is pretty much the same.

I am Christian, very conservative, patriotic, and I generally vote for Republican candidates which puts me in the company of others of like values and opinions. What I don’t understand is how Dems can be so unified and go forward boldly toward their goal , even when their goal will obviously ( to any thinking and informed person ) lead to the destruction of our nation, our culture, and our morals.

Why can’t Republicans be unified in our efforts to oppose all of these destructive issues? I would ask you to consider the historic SELF destruction of the Roman Empire. I see distinct similarities but it would require a long paper or a short book to cover the details sufficiently to be clear and understandable since it was very complex and came about slowly.