Are we there yet?

A common question when on a trip. Well we, the citizens of this nation, are on a trip. We are on the road to destruction, and we are moving at an unbelievable pace. After a few years of progress on almost every front, also at a rapid pace, we ran headlong into a virus sent to us from China. This brought progress down to a slow crawl and then, as if that wasn’t enough, we had an election in which enough of our citizens were deceived into voting for one Joe Biden to elect him president. At least that is what we were told, but I’m not personally convinced it was all legitimate.

Mr. Biden has us speeding down a new road and I’m wondering if we are there yet. I mean, to the point of no return. When on a military trip in a C-130 cargo plane we would fuel up with enough jet-A to reach our planned destination but about half way there, we would reach a “point of no return ” where we wouldn’t have enough gas to get back if forced to turn around. So, are we there yet?? I can’t see any chance of getting back safely if we go much farther and I see NO chance of surviving if we continue down the road we are on. All I can think to do is to say “GOD HELP US!!”


We are currently being bombarded with stories about victims, primarily black, of police killing people for no reason or intentionally just because they are black. There have been a few incidents which ,at a glance, may appear senseless or unnecessary. I agree that it does happen, though rarely, but what I want to know is how many times anyone is hurt or mistreated, much less killed, by law enforcement personnel when the person involved does comply with the requests or orders of the officer. My guess is, very very few, if any. So I say the way to avoid the possibility of being injured or killed by law enforcement is to do what you are asked or told to do. If anything improper or inappropriate happens in a confrontation with an officer of the law, it can be reported and sorted out later when everyone involved is safely out of the situation.