When I say “our worst enemy is us” it’s because we are no longer the “United States of America”. We have become a group of separate factions, each with its’ own issues, ideas, and agendas. We are divided worst by politics, which encompasses almost everything. Our two major parties, while both are supposedly for the greater good of our nation and its’ people, seem to believe that going as fast as they can in opposite directions will, somehow bring them to the same place.

If we all, as Americans, want the same thing then how are we allowing ourselves to be divided by so many things? A modern nation is very complex and encompasses a huge number and variety of issues. Not all issues are black and white, proven by science , or universally accepted. But I believe all problems can be and many have been solved by the combined efforts of intelligent, reasonable people led by the right person. As Americans we choose that leader by democratic elections. We try to choose the best possible person to lead us and ( theoretically at least ) follow and support that leader toward our planned goal.

The problem comes when we fail to choose the best candidate and refuse to to help achieve the goal. From very tiny to enormous differences of opinion can kill the effort and we ALL lose. I don’t know how to circumvent or overcome this problem, so if you do, please let me in on the secret.

Two Parties is NO Party

We have two major political parties in America, Democrat and Republican. Each has a large number of members with a wide variety of characteristics, beliefs, and opinions. Democrats are generally liberal (some prefer progressive) and Republicans are generally conservative. Many in the conservative group are more reluctant to spend tax dollars on things they believe are not worthy. It is also generally believed conservative and Christian is pretty much the same.

I am Christian, very conservative, patriotic, and I generally vote for Republican candidates which puts me in the company of others of like values and opinions. What I don’t understand is how Dems can be so unified and go forward boldly toward their goal , even when their goal will obviously ( to any thinking and informed person ) lead to the destruction of our nation, our culture, and our morals.

Why can’t Republicans be unified in our efforts to oppose all of these destructive issues? I would ask you to consider the historic SELF destruction of the Roman Empire. I see distinct similarities but it would require a long paper or a short book to cover the details sufficiently to be clear and understandable since it was very complex and came about slowly.


A group of wealthy men badgered a land owner into selling them some land in a rural neighborhood on which they set up a firing range, ostensibly for training and qualifying law enforcement personnel and target shooting. With the operators allowing members from a large surrounding area to use the range 24/7 there is now the sound of a war zone filling the air 24/7.

I’m a military veteran who supports and greatly appreciates law enforcement and understands the need for qualifying and practice, and I enjoy target shooting myself. I live within the area of the noise created by the range users, and I would not personally want to bother the area residents with the sound of gunfire for the pleasure of shooting, especially at night.

Unfortunately the men who set up the range and their friends and lawyers don’t live near the range and it’s noise and do not seem bothered in the least that those who do live there are very much bothered by the noise or the possibility of a stray bullet finding its’s way to a person or animal. There are animals in the area and children who need their sleep as well as , I understand , a veteran with PTSD who has to wear noise cancelling headphones to avoid having panic attacks. Doesn’t seem right to me!