Remember “Bagdad Bob”?

If not, you should google him! Muhammed Saeed al-Sahhaf was giving press briefings during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. His reports of the events were so patently ridiculous that they were more like a comedy routine. Totally unbelievable!!!

Now consider our current mainstream media and many of the liberal politicians who report the ” news ” or make ” factual ” statements about issues or events. Much of what they “report” is as obviously ridiculous and laughable. What I don’t understand is how many people are perfectly willing to believe such, without question! And why are so many willing to dismiss both science and tradition and accept patently ridiculous supposed “scientific facts” and social or cultural “changes “. Things like, same sex marriage is normal, you can change your sex, men can have periods and get pregnant, our economy is doing great, and our future is promising under our current political leadership and their policies.

Well excuse me while I burst into hilarious laughter just before I burst into tears and fits of anxiety for my country and my children and grand children!!!


I have one word for you: consequences. In elementary school we are ( or at least used to be ) taught that ” For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. That was, of course, in reference to physical actions. I’m considering other types of actions, like the actions of politicians, criminals, and leaders in other areas including religion. If we as individuals and as a nation don’t change our actions quickly, we are going to face very serious consequences!

I’m not advocating or hoping for violence which, by the way we have had plenty of in recent years. These are currently causing serious, even horrific consequences. Think riots, crime, moral decay, and more. Daily news reports highlight immediate consequences of these things, but I am personally concerned with long term consequences leading to the eventual, complete destruction of our culture and our nation. I believe we stepped onto this path in the sixties when ” we ” decided to take God out of schools, then government, and now everything. I see us heading, ever faster, down this path toward total destruction, especially in the last few years. I’m old but I fear I may still live long enough to see the end of our nation and perhaps the world. I’d like to see the end brought about by the return of Jesus Christ and honestly I’m wondering why He hasn’t already returned!!