I’ve stated before that I agree with the statement and opinion that government is ” a necessary evil” but have you noticed recently just how evil it has become? I have come to hate election years! That’s when (primarily) two political parties put forth their “best candidates for the office of….., then work as hard as they can to smear, destroy the credibility , character , etc. of one another so much that you hesitate to vote for either.

Then whoever is least destroyed and gets elected rarely does what they promised so we are sorely disappointed in them and question whether we chose the “best” candidate after all. While the system is still the best one going, I personally believe we need , at least, a new political party.

While I’m not fond of the idea of mixing politics and religion , I do think we need a new party, perhaps called the Conservative Christian Party. CCP. Ironic huh? The party should be based on conservative and Christian values , which are similar if not almost interchangeable ,and strangely similar to the values the Founding Fathers based the establishment of the country upon. Candidates should be strongly vetted to revere the U.S. Constitution, Christian, and conservative values, and be well versed in the functions and operation of the government. I , and I believe most citizens with similar beliefs and opinions as myself, would be much more comfortable voting for such candidates. I believe this would remove issues of race, gender, and immorality. It could also change our culture so that God would be less likely to destroy us, which , I fear is our future if we continue in the direction we are headed.