Politics !!!!!!

U.S. Politics, the subject you don’t want to talk about with most people. I can’t imagine what our Founding Fathers would think about where we have gone from where they started us. “Off the rails” is the best clean phrase I can think of. I am very conservative, and not a “Bible thumper ” but a strong believer in Christ and Christian values.

Neither of our political parties is perfect, to be sure! The Democratic party and all they stand for is wrong three ways, they are legally wrong, involved in criminal activities in many areas. They are morally wrong, with pro abortion at the top of their stack of immoral beliefs and activities. And they are biblically wrong! The Bible, God’s Word, clearly considers homosexuality, and murder (abortion) as being opposed to God’s guidelines. These also fit into the immoral classification. I consider also, logic and common sense as a third place where they are wrong. Either or both of these will tell you that socialism and communism have always failed! And yet, that’s what they want to do.