Statues, REALLY?

News story, on the campus of a North Carolina university a group of protesters tore down a statue because they imagine that it is somehow racist. First of all a statue is a work of art created by a gifted person who put much time and effort into it. Some are big like the Statue of Liberty and some are small like a two inch tall carving of a fish I once created. It would break my heart to see it destroyed because someone didn’t like what it represented.  Liberty represents many aspects of our wonderful country. Will some crazed radicals try to destroy her next because of some perceived negative thing she represents?

Yes, some statues do represent negative things  such as slavery, war, or even famously horrible people.   Some statues represent things I find appalling, but I have no desire to destroy them. It would not change the fact of what they represent or lessen the impact they had on people or the country. And if we choose to erase the past I think a wise man once said; “we are doomed to repeat” things if we have nothing to remind us how bad they were.

Terrorists in the Middle East are working hard to destroy anything that represents Christianity. What, through this is their goal? What, by this means, are they trying to accomplish. I assure you that God will not allow His people and their faith in Him to be destroyed by a group of radicals who oppose Him and what He stands for.