Too Late?

The nation toilet has been flushed and we are swirling just before going down the drain and out of sight. How do we stop this, or is it too late, already? We, the citizens of the country, elect politicians to do for us what is needed to make our country safe and prosperous. why are they not? I’m not highly educated or exceptionally intelligent but even I can discern between things that help or hurt our nation.

Political parties bickering and blaming each other does not help. Lying or stating only the facts that support their side does not help. We actually have a leader who, while not appealing in every way, is at least doing things to improve our country. So the opposing party is doing everything they can to destroy him and his efforts ( Damn the country and it’s people) to do what is best for the country. What will it take to change this situation that has us on our way down the drain? And why can everyone not see what is happening?