I told my wife that I could become president. She scoffed! But I explained that since I have no criminal record, verified by an in-depth background check to get my locksmith license, I’ve passed the first test. I’m reasonably intelligent, a retired veteran, and generally well thought of. So I’m convinced that in our culture and current political climate, I could get elected to any political office of my choosing. All I would need, beyond the aforementioned qualifications, is unlimited funds! Am I then saying that an election can be bought? Absolutely! With the ability to put my face, along with a positive message about myself, touting all of my abilities and qualifications, constantly in front of the voting public, who would not vote for me?

Doubt me? look at the fund raising and the advertising bought with huge amounts of money, then look at who has been elected and what kind of job they are doing. Then ask yourself, and answer honestly, are these the best people we had available for these positions. Also ask yourself whether or not they are doing the best possible job for us of what they were elected to do?

Consider too, how small a negative statement, even barely ( or not even actually believable ) can create enough negativity to create doubt. Even an outright lie, though denied, can be believed by enough people to destroy a candidates best efforts to get elected.

In the greatest country ever established, with the best political system ever devised, I still can’t feel completely confident in our elected officials, especially when they are in the process of destroying this country.