When you see news programs showing protests, look closely at the protestors. Do they look like your friends and neighbors or relatives? Depending upon the subject of the protest or which side of the issue they are supporting , they MIGHT look like your friends or neighbors. This may indicate whether you are blessed or cursed. If there are legal or illegal or moral or immoral sides of the issue take note of the appearance and mostly the actions of the protestors on each side of the issue. Look also at the statements on their signs and listen to what they say, and moreover how they say it. Then decide who is on the right side of the issue. Even application of a little intelligence and moral guidance should bring you to a solid understanding of the right side of most issues.


I’m getting so tired of hearing every death by law enforcement called a murder, or an unjustified killing. Police are there to maintain order in our civilization and culture. Probably 99% of them are working hard in a difficult job to do just that. Yes there is a bad apple in every barrel or an occasional mistake made by a law enforcement officer. But they do not set out to kill anyone! In fact, I assure you that their main effort is to protect life and property.

If persons confronted by any law enforcement officer will simply comply with what they are asked or told to do there would be no reason for any form of conflict or violence and therefore no injuries or deaths. Yes if you commit a crime or break a law you may be arrested and forced to pay the prescribed penalty for it, but there would be no injuries or deaths involved. JUST SAYING!!!!


You can be religious or you can be Christian, or you CAN be both. Look at the definition of both and you will find that they are definitely not the same. Even in the Bible the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin were religious in the extreme but they tried to kill Jesus, the leader of the Christian faith. Remember in school when you learned that a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square.

You can practice the ceremonies and believe wholeheartedly in the tenets of your chosen faith but that doesn’t make it right. You can be dedicated and sincere in the extreme and convinced you are right, but be completely wrong. I can’t tell others what to believe or make them believe as I do but it makes me very sad to see them going as fast as they can in what I believe is the wrong direction. Please at least consider Christianity.

who can I vote for??

Well it’s election time again and as usual all of the candidates are slamming each other with every imaginable negative fact or lie that they think will turn you against their opponents. By the time voting day comes they have made all the candidates sound more like terrible criminals that you wouldn’t want to live near, much less vote into office to represent you in the government. I’ve said before that I consider government a necessary evil and every election year I wish it was not necessary and I AM more convinced that it is evil.

The only thing I can do is consult with a trusted friend who is involved in local politics and is very well informed on politics and politicians. I will do the best I can and pray for the best possible outcome. And I believe more strongly all the time that praying is the only thing we can do to survive the mess we, as a nation, are in.


It is a scientific fact that the joining of a human egg and a human sperm is the beginning of a process that, if not interrupted by nature or human interference, will become an adult human being. Any interference not natural which ends a human life is called murder!

Also a fact is that there are many simple, dependable, inexpensive, easy, even free ( in the case of abstinence ), methods of preventing pregnancy. I am, in fact, pro choice when it comes to allowing women to “control their own bodies” which if they would, in fact there would be no need for abortions to rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies. The unfortunate fact is that they are not dealing with only their bodies but a separate little body inside of them that may be a different sex and even a different blood type. By the way, killing an innocent baby is not a claimed “right”. It is murder.

Speaking of the sex, or gender, of babies there are only TWO. There is male and female with which you are born and continue to be till you die. You may wish you were what you are not. You may pretend to be what you are not . And with todays’ medical technology and enough money you can even be altered to “seem” to be what you are not. The FACT is a man can not BECOME a woman nor can a woman BECOME a man. And Frankenstein did NOT come to life!


Is it the new math when a small number has a much greater value than a larger number? We are in the midst of a cultural shift in this country, being created and or influenced by a very small percent of our population. I’m speaking primarily of the liberal/progressive masses which includes the LGBTQ….people.

They are determined to change our cultural norms by pushing their agenda on the population , sometimes militantly, while also programing it into our children through the school system. This and the racist agenda are also being pushed into our faces ,constantly , through the media, Hollywood, and the internet.

EVERYTHING is now being made political! It is not just political or cultural, however. It is primarily a morality issue! The impending destruction , as with former great/powerful nations is coming by a process of moral decay. I believe our national constitution was written by exceptional men but guided by God. If you don’t believe in God, this means nothing to you.

Many of the things being done in this country now go completely against Gods’ guidance for us. Basic things like killing, remember the phrase “Thou shalt not kill”? Killing humans, including, or perhaps especially, the unborn is abominable in Gods’ eyes, along with other forbidden activities such as homosexuality, for which God destroyed two cities. For such things, God judged His chosen people and punished them till they turned away from their sinful ways and returned to Him for forgiveness. Being merciful, He did forgive them.

Consider now the many things going on in this country and ask yourself : are we heading toward a harsh judgement? I’m asking myself why we haven’t already been judged!


Nation: A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. Throughout history there have been many nations with a wide variety of culture, characteristics, and forms of government. In recent history, most nations have been governed by monarchy ( royalty ), socialism, Marxism, or communism. The other form in recent history is democracy, a representative form called a republic. Our United States democracy has proved to be more successful and enduring than any previous government.

The United States of America was formed out of necessity in order to gain independence from an overbearing monarchy which was attempting to rule from across the ocean. The Founding Fathers were unquestionably brilliant and, I believe, inspired by God to set up a new form of government which allowed the people of the country to rule themselves through elected representatives. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights laid out the rules for this new leadership.

I ask you to consider the success or failure of other governments, their longevity, level of freedom for the citizens, and quality of life.

Why, I want to know, is China (a communist country) being favored with the opportunity to host the Olympic Games which will bring them millions of dollars in revenue and much worldwide good will. They have done , to the rest of the world, the equivalent of dropping bio-weapons into every country in the world, killing millions of innocent people. If they had dropped explosive ordinance killing millions in countries around the world, I ask you, what would have been the response? I’m not looking to start another World War but neither do I expect to see the Chinese Government ( NOT the Chinese people ) go unpunished. I have no political or military expertise on how to deal with this situation but I do believe the perpetrators of this horrendous act need to be punished.


I believe the nation of China ,intentionally, released upon the entire world a pandemic, which has caused untold suffering and death in every corner of the world. I personally believe this equates to a biological attack which has, thus far, killed millions of people worldwide and caused incredible economic damage to all affected countries.

If this had been a military attack, it would not only have been condemned, but would have been responded to by more than just verbal condemnation and some economic sanctions (by those who are even willing to believe China is actually guilty). I believe the U.S. and our allies would have been justified in taking out the entire governing body of China.

I would never want to start a nuclear war but surely with todays technological we could find a way to surgically destroy their government without open war. And i have no desire to make the general population of China suffer more than they are already suffering under Communist rule. I do not have a plan to bring justice to China’s ruling party, but can we really allow such an atrocity to go unpunished?

Afterthoughts: China and North Korea have now claimed to have supersonic missiles . This could entirely change the face of the threat of conflict. With nuclear weapons in the hands of countries with leadership without morals ( or sanity ), I fear it might take a small spark to ignite a conflict that could lead to the end of the world as we know it.


News item “Transgender boy wearing a skirt sexually assaulted a girl in a school bathroom”. Government is a necessary evil, designed (originally) to oversee the things at a national level that can’t be handled at a state or local level, primarily for the defense and general welfare of the citizens.

In our representative form of government we vote for “representatives” to provide for and represent our values and needs. Sometimes we get what we voted for and sometimes we don’t. If we, collectively, voted for what we now have, we are being BADLY represented or we, collectively, are MORALLY BANKRUPT and I suspect it is a combination of both. The former can be fixed at the ballot box but the latter can only be fixed by a change of heart and mind. (Which would also fix the issue of who we vote into the government). I’m neither politician nor preacher, but I an see clearly where we are and where we need to go to get to where we NEED TO BE. In the Bible, God Judged His chosen people harshly when they turned away from Him. If not truly His chosen people, we are at least a blessed people and we have obviously turned our backs on God. I also believe we are either BEING JUDGED or are about to be! At this point only His mercy can save us.


The dictionary definition of a lie is ” an intentionally false statement “. People often believe lies for one of two reasons. First, a lie can be convincing enough to be believed or accepted as truth, especially when it comes from a trusted source. Second lies can be forced upon you by giving you no option but to believe what you are told.

Many, in todays world and culture who were formerly trusted and believed virtually without question, such as politicians (maybe), teachers, police, and even preachers were once trusted to be honest and truthful. This is no longer the case!!! Teachers are now lying to our children and grandchildren. They may be teaching math accurately, though even that may be in an unorthodox (new math) way. Everything else is either tilted toward liberalism/socialism or is outright lies, especially in civics, social studies, and especially history. Even science is being severely tilted left! History, in fact, has been totally rewritten by either omitting or changing information. And beside teaching lies, they are now trying to indoctrinate our children (of all ages) into immorality by convincing them that abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism should be considered normal and universally accepted. We are far along a downward slide into being judged by God and found guilty of these offenses, among many others.

The second way lies are accepted is by giving you no options but to believe what you are told to believe, and being told that it is unquestionably true. Islam is a perfect example of this as children born into Islam are taught from birth all the tenets and rules of the religion and are prevented from even learning of other religions. And if they do hear of anything else they are told not to believe it because “it is a lie.” Therefore they are taught what they MUST believe and are punished if they do not accept it completely and without question.