Propaganda does not equal education

Schools in the U.S. have , from the beginning been respected and trusted to teach our children and young adults factual information and lessons to help them become productive adults in our society and culture.Most early schools taught morals and manners, as well as math and science, generally based on the Bible with ,at times the bible as the only book available. The universities were pretty much all started as Christian institutions. Math and science are pretty much indisputable. Numbers don’t lie and science, while greatly advanced, when properly applied brings one to the correct conclusion or solution. History and social studies, however allow for tremendous opportunity for the teaching of misinformation and outright lies. The history books of fifty years ago bear little resemblance to those of today.

The events of the past have not changed but the way they are taught today would give you a totally different impression of what happened. Often the facts are changed by omitting some of the facts or emphasizing others. many “facts” are in fact absolutely incorrect, but taught as gospel.

Outside of our schools some in our society seem to be trying to change history by erasing symbols of what happened in the past. This changes nothing but the way some people think about the past. Good or bad , what happened, happened. Instead of just being angry about bad things that happened, we need to work to assure that they are not repeated and that the good things are repeated and improved upon.