Hitler was right

Overall Hitler was absolutely wrong in what he tried to do! He was right though, on one thing. He said; ” He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” And he said, and I quote; “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

I believe the “liberal left” has adopted this theory. They have, to a great extent, taken over the education system of the U.S. from top to bottom. They are teaching, or more accurately indoctrinating our children in liberal beliefs and values. I fear we are loosing our nation to an indoctrinated generation who believe a rewritten history and socialist ideals. In the Bible the Israelites could,and did turn away from God and His laws and plan for their lives, sometimes in one generation. It is common for each generation to say “I don’t know if we can survive this generation, ” but I truly fear it may be true this time.