Our children and young adults have been indoctrinated into liberalism through our school system. Instead of being imparted knowledge and taught how to think they have been imparted liberalism and told WHAT to think.

Likewise, they have been indoctrinated into the acceptance of abortion for convenience. Pro abortion liberals, through the school system, have taught our children from preschool on, that abortion is a normal, even preferred method of avoiding the trouble and inconvenience of having to birth and raise an unwanted child. They deny the existence of a developing human being by labeling it “a mass of tissue”, a fetus, etc. even though scientifically, once a human egg is fertilized by a human sperm the result is a developing human being. Only a natural event such as a miscarriage or an injury or an UNNATURAL event such as abortion will prevent this fertilized egg from eventually becoming an adult human.

With all the available and convenient means of preventing pregnancy, there is really no excuse for “having to end the UNWANTED pregnancy”. Killing a human is a sin and in our legal system a serious crime. Why is this common and accepted in this country?