Have you heard the saying “beyond the pale”? An FBI raid by a massive force with guns drawn on the personal home and offices of a former president, including breaking into his safe, and then confiscating, who knows what. Now that is ” beyond the pale. “The purpose of this raid was supposedly to recover records that were to be archived and which MAY include sensitive/high security items. This could have been accomplished with the submission of a subpoena without any fanfare.

I believe the real reason for the raid was to embarrass Trump and to attempt to find anything that could possibly allow for a criminal charge, in order to make it impossible for him to run for office again. I think they were hoping to get their hands on something they could claim to put the country, somehow, at risk, or perhaps his tax information which they have been drooling over for years, in hopes of charging him of tax fraud. I don’t doubt that the democrats or possibly even the FBI, who’s leadership seems to be in the pocket of the democrats might even plant evidence against him. They hate and fear him that much!

Our great nation is rapidly descending into third world status. If it is not already too late, I believe our only hope is in a return to Christian values and the merciful character of our Lord!