Some political systems and some religions are all about power and control. Political power allows for control of the people they govern. In some religions the leadership exerts control over their followers, who generally, voluntarily accept it.

The quote “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is absolutely right! Power is very addictive, like the worst kind of drugs. The pleasure derived from a little taste of it entices one to want more. Then the more you get , the more you want. So how do we break the addiction to political power? Term limits would certainly help. Some form of punishment for the abuse of power is another way. But, I believe the best solution is to invest those with power who are proven to be intelligent, moral, and worthy of trust, and with an understanding of what is best for those who have trusted them with control of said power.

As for religion I would simply ask that you compare the various religions with an open mind and no prejudice, to see which promotes the best possible outcome for the practitioners and all who might be within their area of influence. Having done this, I choose Christianity!