Why would anyone be a soldier or police officer?

Who will and why would they be willing to become a soldier or police officer when you consider what they will face in today’s culture. As a police officer you are now targeted for violence or murder, often outnumbered and sometimes outgunned, underpaid and under appreciated. Even worse when you do a difficult job facing violent criminals, having to make split second decisions, all the while knowing that at times the slightest hesitation can mean you die. And if you make the wrong, or perceived to be wrong, decision you may face criminal prosecution by the very people who hired you. I don’t know who you are,but THANK YOU! I would not want the task of recruiting!

When you look at the military now, if you consider what you may face as a combat soldier it would be both frightening and frustrating. Where and how you may be asked to serve can both be very bad. You may be sent thousands of miles from home to fight an enemy you can’t readily recognize, in a very difficult environment, and with an even more difficult set of engagement rules, effectively tying your hands. As with police officers if you make a slight mistake in judgement you may be killed or prosecuted and treated as the worst kind of criminal. My years of service in the Air Force were as an aircraft mechanic, generally not near any combat activity. For those of you in a combat role, once more, I don’t know who you are but,THANK YOU! For those willing to risk it, may God protect you from “enemies both foreign and domestic” !!

Politics, the dreaded subject

People generally want to either discuss politics or avoid the subject like the plague. I feel compelled at this time to delve into the subject. Many politicians are as disliked as used car salesmen, lawyers, cockroaches, etc. They are often thought of as a necessary (or unnecessary) evil.

What I want to know about politicians is this: If “we the people” elect them to represent us in the process of governing our nation in a way that best serves our interests, regardless of party, then why do they often ignore us and simply fight one another? And why do the things they do benefit themselves politically, and or financially,  and do little or nothing to help “we the people” in any way? Also why are most of them very wealthy when they are elected to serve the citizens, not to build personal wealth? I think I’d like a position where I could get rich while helping my fellow man. I’m one of those crazy people who believes you should (literally) get what they  deserve.

If Republican,  Democrat, Independent, or socialist, purpose and goal is the same ( to keep us safe, strong, free, and prosperous ) WHY are they intent upon destroying each other? And when we, through our democratic system have duly elected those we believe harbor our ideals and desires seem NOT to be doing what we elected them to do, what are WE to do? They are supposed to be doing our will, not theirs!



Everyone asks why. Young children ask why incessantly! They have a good reason to ask why, with very limited knowledge and life experience they honestly have the best of reasons to ask why.  They know little and want to know everything. The remainder of us ask why for a variety of reasons.

Like everyone else, I ask why when I need to learn the answer to something I am not knowledgeable of. I also ask why when I’m questioning something that seems impossible or unbelievable, or why does something exist which really shouldn’t. Something like, why the divided state of our nation? We have the best of everything like freedom, prosperity, opportunity, etc. yet we have division, controversy, anger, distrust, and so on. Why?

Why and how do people sometimes do things that seem to have no reason or plausibility ? Something horrible and inhumane  like killing others.


When you face serious issues or decisions do you look for advice from the wizened, experienced, older person, hopefully expert on the subject? Or do you look for youth with education, intellect, and “fresh ideas”?

I think some situations call for one, some for the other and often perhaps one tempered by the other. I am not, admittedly, expert in many serious, exceptionally important areas. In these I want help and advice. I’m not opposed to youth who obviously have limited experience,but may well have  expertise in the area of concern. On the other hand, one with years of experience may or may not be able to give valuable advice according to what that experience has taught them.

I have to determine whose advice is valuable! How do I decide? All I can do is to fall back upon my common sense and reasoning ability, guided by my morals and ethics. There is but one source of moral and ethical guidance which is Gods’ Word.

Unrelated but current afterthought: Does Dr. Christine B. Ford, in professor mode, teach with the same scared little girl voice she used to testify in the supreme court justice hearings?





Divided Nation

I  could not  be considered a knowledgeable historian and in fact did poorly in US history in school. Once I realized the wisdom however, in knowing where you came from and how you got to where you are presently, I started taking history more seriously.

I know that in our past there have been many, sometimes serious divisions among the citizens of this great nation. From debates among our founding fathers, which did not prevent them from writing a Constitution and Bill of Rights unlike anything before or since, to the issue of slavery, we have dealt with division. But I believe we have never had such serious division over so many different issues. It seems we are STILL divided over race, immigration, medical care, regulations, POLITICS, and a litany of other less significant things.

I do not claim to have viable solutions to these problems and having seen great and powerful nations throughout history self destruct, I admit to being fearful about our future. All I can think to say is, God help us!


“Know your enemy” is a much quoted phrase. It is used in many situations, obviously in war, but also in business, in politics, even between neighbors or relatives. Competitor is a more suitable word in most cases less violent than war. In any case when two or more people,businesses, etc. are involved in a conflict of purposes or ideas, each player needs to know as much as possible about the other side.

Any competitive situation requires a plan if one has any expectation of winning. In order to develop a winning strategy you not only need to know your desired outcome and your skills, strengths and weaknesses, support, etc., but also as much as possible of your opponents’.

I am conservative in both life and politics, so in order to know how to oppose those on the other side, I study them. I do not enjoy it but see it as necessary. We (the citizens of this nation) are now in a pitched battle for control of our country! I pray not, but I fear that I’m on the losing side. We (conservatives) are possibly outnumbered because the enemy has gained control of two major weapons through which they have created a huge, perhaps overwhelming, army. Those weapons are the education system and the mainstream media as well as the social media networks.  Their army, having been indoctrinated into liberalism and socialism by the previously mentioned weapons are not even willing to consider anything presented by the other side.

If you have the best plan it should be possible to convince  those on the other side to cross over to your side. Unfortunately, if they wont even communicate with you and they have the biggest army, YOU LOSE.

Forget Politics

Let’s, just for a moment, forget politics and look at our nation strictly the from the point of common sense and reasoning. Many things change in our world like styles, technology, even cultural norms. Change can be good or bad, determined by the results or outcome of the change.

Some changes are comparatively minor or totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Clothing, hair styles, car designs , etc. will not greatly effect the important things in our lives. According to polls we consider things like national and personal security, jobs and income, education, health care/insurance, crime, taxes, and religious freedom, and currently, apparently, abortion are the things we are most concerned about.

I want everyone (with an open mind) to look at these things, how they have changed, how satisfactory they are now, and what does the future look like in these areas. I have my opinion of what and who can give us the best possible results in these areas, going forward. I’m interested in what others think!




Statues, REALLY?

News story, on the campus of a North Carolina university a group of protesters tore down a statue because they imagine that it is somehow racist. First of all a statue is a work of art created by a gifted person who put much time and effort into it. Some are big like the Statue of Liberty and some are small like a two inch tall carving of a fish I once created. It would break my heart to see it destroyed because someone didn’t like what it represented.  Liberty represents many aspects of our wonderful country. Will some crazed radicals try to destroy her next because of some perceived negative thing she represents?

Yes, some statues do represent negative things  such as slavery, war, or even famously horrible people.   Some statues represent things I find appalling, but I have no desire to destroy them. It would not change the fact of what they represent or lessen the impact they had on people or the country. And if we choose to erase the past I think a wise man once said; “we are doomed to repeat” things if we have nothing to remind us how bad they were.

Terrorists in the Middle East are working hard to destroy anything that represents Christianity. What, through this is their goal? What, by this means, are they trying to accomplish. I assure you that God will not allow His people and their faith in Him to be destroyed by a group of radicals who oppose Him and what He stands for.


Is ISIS gone?

Politics has taken over the news and I know that is a very important subject but I have not , at least recently, heard anything about ISIS. Does that mean they no longer exist? Have we won the war against that terrorist group?Are we still engaged or have we just quit? We are still having terrorist attacks so they are obviously not gone. I believe that if there is still one fighter dedicated to their plan of world domination, we are not safe and should make sure he is either killed or converted to a nonthreatening view of the world.

If you get in a fight and manage to knock your opponent  down, do you step back and allow him to compose himself and attack you again, knowing that he intends to kill you? I think not! I want to know that the enemy is completely and utterly defeated with no chance of coming at me again. After that, we still must maintain vigilance and stamp out any sign of resurgence. Can anyone assure me we are there and that is why I’m no longer hearing about them on the news?

Hitler was right

Overall Hitler was absolutely wrong in what he tried to do! He was right though, on one thing. He said; ” He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” And he said, and I quote; “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

I believe the “liberal left” has adopted this theory. They have, to a great extent, taken over the education system of the U.S. from top to bottom. They are teaching, or more accurately indoctrinating our children in liberal beliefs and values. I fear we are loosing our nation to an indoctrinated generation who believe a rewritten history and socialist ideals. In the Bible the Israelites could,and did turn away from God and His laws and plan for their lives, sometimes in one generation. It is common for each generation to say “I don’t know if we can survive this generation, ” but I truly fear it may be true this time.